Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Read about the interpretation of black dogs in a dream, the meaning of a black dog attacking, the fear of it, a black dog bite, and other related symbols.
Seeing black dogs in a dream signifies lowly, foolish people. It’s said that white and black dogs in a dream indicate deceitful and evasive individuals. An attack by a black dog in a dream suggests exposure to harm and evil. The meaning of dreaming of a black dog varies depending on the dreamer’s circumstances and the dream’s details.
In this article, you’ll find interpretations of seeing black dogs in a dream according to Ibn Sirin and Al-Nabulsi, the symbolism of white and black dogs, tame black dogs, a black dog attacking or biting you, escaping from black dogs, and other scenarios involving black dogs in dreams.

Photo de Francesco Altamura: https://www.pexels.com/fr-fr/photo/31083457/
Ibn Sirin’s Interpretation of Seeing Black Dogs in a Dream
Ibn Sirin interprets black dogs in a dream as representing卑微 (lowly) people and possibly oppressive enemies.
- A small black dog in a dream signifies the needs and poverty of children.
- Wild black dogs indicate harmful, malicious people.
- Stray black dogs in the streets suggest beggars and flatterers.
- A barking black dog means hearing unpleasant words from someone with little honor.
- A black dog represents a foolish man who boldly commits sins.
- Killing a black dog in a dream signifies triumph over an enemy.
- A dead black dog indicates deliverance from malice and baseness.
- A slaughtered black dog reflects ignorance and misguidance.
- A black guard dog suggests protection and safety.
- A black greyhound indicates the dreamer’s suitability for authority or leadership.
- A black hunting dog points to neediness and lack.
- A black police dog signifies strength and power.
- A rabid black dog represents enemies and evildoers.
- Eating a black dog’s meat means defeating an enemy and gaining their wealth.
- Drinking a black female dog’s milk suggests earning money through lowly, crooked means.
- Leaning on a black dog indicates befriending an enemy.
Gustav Miller states that a black dog in a dream signifies an enemy and misfortune, its barking indicates bad news, and fear of black dogs reflects facing hardships, and God knows best.
Interpretation of Dreaming of White and Black Dogs
Dreaming of white and black dogs signifies hypocritical people.
- A large white-and-black dog indicates a greedy, vile man.
- A small white-and-black dog suggests a child raised on ill-gotten gains.
- A white-and-black dog tearing flesh reflects a hypocritical close person gossiping about the dreamer.
- Dead white-and-black dogs signify exposing and eliminating deceivers.
- A group of barking white-and-black dogs indicates hearing harsh words.
- Feeding stray white-and-black dogs suggests helping the poor and orphans.
- Raising white-and-black dogs reflects associating with cunning, hypocritical people.
- Playing with white-and-black dogs indicates wasting time and effort on fruitless endeavors, and God knows best.
Interpretation of Seeing Tame Black Dogs in a Dream
Tame black dogs in a dream represent weak men.
- Raising a tame black dog suggests befriending and loving a servant or worker.
- Feeding a tame black dog indicates kindness to the weak and needy.
- An attack by a tame black dog suggests betrayal and harm from those the dreamer has helped.
- Buying a tame black dog indicates incurring a fine.
- Selling a tame black dog suggests laying off workers, leading to unemployment.
- Playing with a black dog reflects idleness and neglecting duties.
- Playing with a tame black puppy suggests caring for an abandoned child.
- Walking with a tame black dog indicates humility.
- Stroking a tame black dog suggests comforting the downtrodden, and God knows best.
Interpretation of a Black Dog Attacking Me in a Dream
Dreaming of a black dog attacking you signifies harm from an enemy.
- Being scratched during the attack indicates pain and damage.
- A black dog tearing clothes suggests loss or reduction in livelihood.
- An attack with claws signifies verbal abuse and insults.
- A black puppy attacking indicates troubles caused by mean children.
- Saying, “A black dog attacked and bit me in a dream,” suggests experiencing harm or misfortune.
- Black dogs chasing you reflects satanic temptations.
- Being attacked by a group of black dogs indicates enemies ganging up against you.
- Black dogs chasing you in a desert suggest theft.
- Chasing black dogs to hunt them reflects prying into others’ privacy, and God knows best.
Interpretation of a Black Dog Bite in a Dream
Saying, “I saw a black dog bite me in a dream,” indicates harm from an enemy proportional to the bite’s severity.
- A black dog tearing flesh suggests gossip and slander.
- Bleeding after a black dog bite indicates regret for trusting unworthy people.
- A bite on the hand signifies stolen money or resources.
- A bite on the foot suggests someone sabotaging your efforts.
- A bite on the shoulder indicates someone stirring family discord.
- A bite on the face suggests loss of honor due to fools.
- Going to the hospital after a black dog bite reflects facing hardships.
- A rabid black dog bite signifies betrayal, and God knows best.
Read more about the interpretation of biting in a dream on Haloha by clicking here.
Escaping from Black Dogs in a Dream
Escaping black dogs in a dream signifies ridding oneself of base, immoral people.
- Escaping and surviving indicates deliverance from enmity and malice.
- Running away from black dogs suggests resolving problems.
- Hiding from black dogs reflects finding peace after fear.
- Inability to escape indicates suffering and hardship from an enemy.
- Fleeing in fear suggests gaining safety and protection.
- Crying while escaping reflects relief from worries.
- A brother escaping black dogs indicates his deliverance from corrupt people.
- A sister escaping suggests her need for protection and support, and God knows best.
Read more about the interpretation of escaping in a dream on Haloha by clicking here.
Meaning of Killing a Black Dog in a Dream
Killing a black dog in a dream signifies retribution against enemies or relief from unjust people.
- Killing black puppies suggests shedding major responsibilities.
- Killing a black dog with your hands indicates an act of triumph over enemies.
- Killing with a bullet suggests humiliating an enemy with words.
- Killing a black dog in the street reflects overcoming obstacles to success.
- Killing a black dog on a farm indicates increased sustenance and wealth.
- A known person killing a black dog suggests receiving help in a crisis.
- An unknown person killing a black dog indicates emerging from misfortune, and God knows best.
Read more about the interpretation of killing in a dream on Haloha by clicking here.
Dreaming of Three Black Dogs
Dreaming of three black dogs signifies malice, hatred, and evil.
- Three dead black dogs in the street suggest overcoming obstacles.
- Killing three black dogs indicates triumph over enemies and evildoers.
- Three black dogs in the house suggest disputes and discord.
- Raising three black puppies reflects having many children.
- Saying, “I dreamed of three black dogs chasing me,” indicates numerous enemies.
- An attack by three black dogs suggests facing stronger adversaries, and God knows best.
Meaning of Beating Black Dogs in a Dream
Beating black dogs in a dream signifies victory and strength.
- Attacking and beating black dogs reflects self-defense against harm.
- Beating and killing them indicates overcoming enemies.
- Saying, “I dreamed of beating a large black dog,” suggests triumph over oppression.
- Beating a tied black dog indicates defeating a weak enemy.
- Beating with a stick suggests seeking help from a strong man.
- Beating with stones indicates cursing an enemy.
- Beating with hands suggests reclaiming rights personally.
- Beating a tame black dog reflects reprimanding servants or workers.
- Beating a white-and-black dog suggests distancing from hypocrites, and God knows best.
Read more about the interpretation of beating in a dream on Haloha by clicking here.
Interpretation of Black Dogs in a Dream for a Single Woman
Ibn Sirin says black dogs in a single woman’s dream signify enemies and hypocritical friends.
- Barking black dogs indicate hearing unpleasant words from base people.
- A black dog bite suggests envy from someone close.
- Black dogs attacking her suggest falling victim to fools’ tongues.
- Chasing black dogs indicates people trying to manipulate her.
- Escaping black dogs signifies deliverance from enemies.
- Beating black dogs suggests thwarting schemers.
- Leaning on tame black dogs reflects seeking protection from dishonorable people.
- Fear of black dogs indicates safety from an enemy, and God knows best.
Interpretation of Black Dogs in a Dream for a Married Woman
Ibn Sirin says black dogs in a married woman’s dream signify foolish friends.
- Killing a black dog indicates victory over ill-wishers.
- Feeding tame black dogs reflects kindness to the weak.
- Black dogs attacking her children suggest harm to them.
- Saying, “Black dogs chased me,” indicates satanic temptations.
- A husband escaping black dogs reflects weakness against rivals.
- A husband beating black dogs suggests facing challenges.
- Buying a black dog indicates misplaced trust.
- Slaughtered black dogs signify foolish women, and God knows best.
Interpretation of Black Dogs in a Dream for a Pregnant Woman
Black dogs in a pregnant woman’s dream signify those who resent her.
- Large black dogs suggest a greedy husband.
- Raising tame black dogs reflects neglecting her fetus.
- Black dogs attacking suggest harm to the fetus.
- Black dogs chasing her husband indicate corrupting influences.
- Escaping black dogs signifies the fetus’s safety.
- Hearing a black dog bark suggests sad news.
- Dead black dogs indicate deliverance from malicious people, and God knows best.
Interpretation of Black Dogs in a Dream for a Divorced Woman
Black dogs in a divorced woman’s dream signify those coveting her.
- Scratches from an attack suggest harm from those around her.
- Beating black dogs with a stick indicates help from a strong man.
- Tame black dogs in the house suggest family harmony.
- Black dogs chasing her ex-husband indicate his corrupt endeavors.
- Inability to escape suggests weakness against enemies.
- Bleeding from a black dog bite reflects regret for misplaced trust.
- A dead black dog signifies deliverance from a deceiver.
- An ex-husband walking with black dogs suggests following corrupt people, and God knows best.